

General options

--version Show version and exit
--debug Set debug mode on
--help Show this message and exit.

The merra2 command

Download MERRA-2 data. Note: You first need to register with NASA Earhdata. Downloaded data will be saved as netCDF-4 files, one file per day, with filenames of format MERRA-2.<COLLECTION ID>.<DATE>.SUB.nc4.


-c, --collection TEXT
 Name of MERRA-2 collection (nine-character ESDT code)
-U, --username TEXT
 Username [default: <system username>]
--password TEXT
-o, --output-dir PATH
 Output directory [default: .]
--start-time DATE
 Start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
--end-time DATE
 End date (YYYY-MM-DD)
--variables LIST
 Comma separated list of variable names
--location ARG Comma separated list of coordinates either (lat,lon or north,west,south,east) or path to shapefile
--help Show help and exit.

Refer to MERRA-2 file specification for the names of data collections.


For example, calling

would download wind speed east and north components in Tampere, Finland, for 1–2 January 2000.